Distance Learning Trouble Shooting/Frequently Asked Questions

Distance Learning Trouble Shooting/Frequently Asked Questions

In order to assist our students and families to problem-solve challenges they may be encountering in moving to online learning, Land O’ Lakes High School shares these common solutions. Please note: The degree to which these address your issue is dependent upon factors...

Time Management for Students

Now that we have moved to a virtual platform for the entire month of April, it is important to establish good time management skills to help you organize all of your coursework.  You will get more done and feel better about yourself.  If you create a system to pace...
Digital Coursework & Other Updates for LOLHS Students

Digital Coursework & Other Updates for LOLHS Students

How to Login: Visit https://mypascoconnect.pasco.k12.fl.us Username:Student ID Number Password:District Password (in MyStudent under Classified)   Need a Computer: Email Mrs. Doohen, Assistant Principal, at tdoohen@pasco.k12.fl.us to discuss options for picking...

Transcript Requests

Once we receive the written request, it will take approximately 24-48 hours for the transcripts to be mailed. If you have questions, please reach out to LOLHS Register at Mrs. Riccio  at triccio@pasco.k12.fl.us or call (813) 794-9411. Click here to request a copy of...
MyLearning Parent Observer Accounts

MyLearning Parent Observer Accounts

As you are now aware we will using MyLearning for grades as we embark on Distance Learning. Parents should be encouraged to create MyLearning accounts to view student’s progress as they complete their online work.  ...

March 30 Device Deployment

We received many requests from our students to borrow a device from the school.  A confirmation email was sent to students that registered; we will have a device for them to check out on Monday, March 30.  A schedule was created, and a second email was sent with the...