Advanced Academic Opportunities
If you have questions about any of the advanced academic opportunities, please reach out to your school counselor. You can also call to speak with a repesentative in the student services office at (813) 794-9407.
Advanced Placement – A program that consists of college-level courses and exams which provides high school students the opportunity to receive advanced placement and/or credit in college. Almost 50 percent of the nation’s 21,000 high schools offer some college-level AP course work, and more than 400,000 students participate in the AP Program each year. Students may earn high school and college credit simultaneously by successfully completing these courses and by scoring a 3 or better on the AP exam. Students may begin taking AP courses starting their freshmen year with AP Human Geography.
Dual Enrollment – Through an articulation agreement with Pasco-Hernando Community College (PHCC), students are permitted to take approved course work through PHCC and receive both high school and college credit. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade (under classmen may only take DE if a course is offered at the high school campus), have a cumulative 3.0000 GPA to take academic courses or an unweighted 2.0000 GPA to take technical courses. Students must have an acceptable standardized test score from one of the following: SAT, ACT or the PERT (given at PHCC). Students must demonstrate through their test score that they have the ability to be successful in completing the chosen class(es). Students applying for dual enrollment courses must have their parent’s and counselor’s approval. The students and parents must complete an application, produce documentation from the high school of the needed GPA, provide required test scores, and complete a request for classes to be considered for dual enrollment. Upon acceptance students may take up to 12 college credits per semester at no charge. Books are provided for the courses to be taken; however, they must be returned upon completion of the class. Students must also have transportation to the class location. See your School Counselor for the application process or sign up to see the PHCC Liaison in the Guidance Office.
Click on link for more information about Dual Enrollment.
Click here to view the presentation about our Advanced Academic Opportunities.