Attention Class of 2021

Attention Class of 2021

On Tuesday, October 6 you will be taking the ACT. Pasco County School District is providing the test for all seniors free of charge. This is a great opportunity for all of you and I highly encourage you to participate! The test will be offered at Land O’ Lakes High...

Flu Shots for Students at LOLHS

Pasco County Schools has established a partnership with Health Heroes to implement a flu vaccine program for all students this year. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical for our school community to take advantage of this program designed to prevent...
Hispanic Heritage Month Student Contest

Hispanic Heritage Month Student Contest

Pasco County Schools is excited to participate in First Lady Casey DeSantis’ 2020 Hispanic Heritage Month Theme and Student Contests. Every Pasco County student is invited to take part! Attached is a flyer with important details. Our teacher look forward to...
Picture Day!

Picture Day!

Picture day is Monday, September 21, 2020. You can use this preorder link (which will be open for 48 hours after picture day) https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000804517 directly to the student’s home. Picture day is Monday, September 21. You can pre-order your...
Gator Athletic Events

Gator Athletic Events

During the time that we are adapting to different expectations because of the pandemic, our athletic events will be handled much differently.  We will be adjusting to a limited amount of seating at all athletic events.  Also, we will not be selling tickets at any of...
Hall Lockers!

Hall Lockers!

Student hallway lockers will be assigned next week (Sept. 8th-11th)  Students need to go on ACORN and pay for lockers ahead of time. Students will need to come in the media during lunch to get their locker assignment.  They need to already have the zone picked out for...