
Parents that would like for their student to remain enrolled in mySchool Online in the 2nd semester after being notified they should return to their school for second semester must log into their parent portal to acknowledge in writing they are choosing for their student to remain in mySchool Online. Below are steps to support a parent submission of this document to their student’s school.

Step 1: Enter your myStudent Parent Portal, select here: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/?skipSAML=true Note: If you do not have a parent account, you can create one here. https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/ Below are directions once you are in your parent portal. Please reach out the myStudenthelp@pasco.k12.fl.us for questions regarding the form completion.

Step 2: After logging into your parent portal account in myStudent, a parent/guardian will see their student’s name listed on the left side of the screen. They should select the student name to open up menu options. A parent/guardian will see a separate form for each child connected to their parent portal account.

Step 3: The mySchool Online or Pasco eSchool – Not Making Adequate Progress Parent Acknowledgement is an available form under Forms Summary area.