This year all athletic paperwork will be filled via the new digital clearance program for athletics for the 2022-23 school year. Need help with paperwork, staff will be at LOLHS on Tuesday, July 26 from 11 AM- 6 PM to provide assistance, notary and more! To get...
Register here: Does your student need to take Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Biology 1 End-Of-Course (EOC), NGSSS US History EOC, Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Algebra 1 EOC, FSA Algebra 1...
If you are interested in playing at sport at Land O’ Lakes High School, please complete this interest form, an email will be sent to the coach to contact you for more information. If you have already...
District Finals will begin on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. There is an alternative bell schedule for 3 days. Friday, May 20 is Seniors ONLY (12th graders) Make-Up District Finals. Monday, May 23; Tuesday, May 24 and Wednesday, May 25 are underclassmen (9th, 10th and 11th...
Due to the number of students taking the SAT exam on Wednesday, March 2nd we are altering the bell schedule for one day only. We have taken 20 minutes from 6th period and added five minutes to the first four periods of the school day. In addition, periods four and...