
If you are interested in playing at sport at Land O’ Lakes High School, please complete this interest form, an email will be sent to the coach to contact you for more information.


If you have already participated in sports or are in contact with the coach, no need to complete this form.

The 2022-23 Athletic Paperwork will be available after July 1, 2022.

The EL2 and EL3 must be completed to participate in summer conditioning.

EL2: https://fhsaa.com/documents/2020/3/26/el02_physical_2.pdf

Florida Medical in Wesley Chapel has FREE physical on June 11, 2022. See flyer here: https://lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/wp-content/uploads/lolhs/2022/05/SportsPhysicals-KP.pdf

EL3: https://fhsaa.com/documents/2020/8/10/el03_consent_2020_04.pdf

Home Education students must also complete the EL7 paperwork, located here: https://fhsaa.com/sports/2020/1/30/parents_home_ed.aspx