
2020 Graduates and Families,

Please click on one of the links below at 3 pm on Friday, June 5th to join in Land O’ Lakes High School’s Virtual Graduation Ceremony for 2020.  We are excited to celebrate this year’s class!

Please share your graduation celebrations with us during the ceremony.

Facebook Live Link https://www.facebook.com/pascoschools/posts/3543912985625135?__tn__=-R

YouTube Premiere Link https://youtu.be/YY80z12zjio

Additionally, here are the links to videos that present this year’s scholarship recipients from our school and a tribute video dedicated from the C/O 2020 parents: https://youtu.be/H7Vnl7yqp2g– scholarship video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX_OEBLN35E – tribute video