
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Get your All-You-Care-To-Ride SwampFest Tickets. Only $20 (cash or checks payable to LOLHS ABC). They are valid any ONE day of the festival, you trade it in for a wristband.

Wednesday, October 26 Regional Volleyball game 6-9 PM
Thursday, October 27 During ALL lunches
Saturday, October 29 TENTATIVE Regional Volleyball game 6-9 PM
Monday, October 31 During ALL lunches
Tuesday, November 1 During ALL lunches
Wednesday, November 2 During ALL lunches
Thursday, November 3 During ALL lunches- LAST DAY

$25 at the Swampfest for Wristband, get them early and save the money!