
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Does your student need to take an End Of Course (EOC) assessment? We will offer Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, US History EOC and/or Biology EOC the week of July 10.

Did your student miss the May testing window? Or did not earn a passing score on the Algebra 1 EOC, achievement level 3 or higher (scale score 497 or higher)? Maybe taking one of the above courses online over the summer?

Please click here to register for summer testing: http://lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=199708

Have questions, please feel free to email me at jgaete@pasco.k12.fl.us