Welcome back to the start of the 2020 – 2021 school year! As you know, we are starting off much differently than normal. You have either selected to return to the school, take courses remotely with LOLHS teachers, or enroll at Pasco eSchool. For those that are going to be a Gator, we invite you to the school on August 19 for an orientation. In the near future we will be providing a survey link to choose a session to attend. The times are located on the picture. In the meantime, please save the date!
Safe Behind the Wheel Class, Parking Pass Application and Policies, and Parking Violation
Debt Payments
Mr. Mellin’s Twitter
Golden School Award

- Community Service Form
- Community Service Guidelines
- Extended Day Registration
- LOLHS School Calendar
- myPascoConnect
- On Track Appeal
- Parking Application
- Pay School Fees RYCOR
- Report a Bully
- Request for High School Transcript
- Schedule Change Request Form
- School Public Accountability Report
- Student Dress Code
- Textbook Fees
- Transcript Request
- Volunteer Application