
Registration Information


Land O’ Lakes High School

20325 Gator Lane

Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638

Phone# (813)794-9411

Fax# (813) 794-9491

Alt Fax# (813) 794-9490


Thank you for your interest in registering with LOLHS. All registrations are now completed online. Please use the links below to complete an online registration application, see our schools zoned boundaries, and registration requirements. If you have any questions pertaining to registration, please utilize the below attached Parent Portal packets and , their contact information is listed above – if questions are pertaining to courses, please email the corresponding counselor by grade listed below. 🙂

LOLHS School Counselors:

All enrollments are now completed online. Please use the links below to assist with how to complete an online enrollment application.

Need assistance with creating a parent portal and completing an online enrollment? Please click below for step-by-step instructions!


Click here to see boundaries for Land O’ Lakes High School.

Click here for registration requirements.