
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

9th Grade – Freshmen

9th Grade – Freshmen

Counselor Appointment Request click on link below.


A Transitional Year

The 9th grade transition can be a stressful time for both students and parents. With so many changes occurring including personal, physical, social, academic challenges as well as a new school environment, students must plan carefully and accordingly.  Developing a support system both in and out of school is critical for success.  Good student habits such as time management, prioritizing, organizational skills, test prep/study skills, work habits/ethics, communication as well as good people skills will help each student transition successfully. Encourage students to get involved at their school and get to know the many people here who can assist them. We encourage parents to review the school website and to log into Esembler every few days to keep current with their child’s progress.  To each student, we say your high school experience will be what you make it.  We encourage every student to invest fully and wisely, listen to your parents and teachers and to build many great memories.

Keys to Success

  • Communication Skills – Ask Questions, Listen to Answers
  • Order Priorities
  • Develop a Support System
  • Join a Club, Sport, Social Organization, etc.
  • Explore Career Options
  • Explore Career Training – College, Vocational, On-The-Job Training, Military
  • Know Graduation, Bright Future and post high school education requirements
  • Have Fun within the parameters of the high school setting