
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Credit Recovery Options

Credit Recovery Options


Students are encouraged to pass their courses before having to look at credit recovery options.  If students are struggling in a course they should first speak with their teacher.  Most teachers make themselves available to students before or after school for extra instruction.

There is an opportunity to earn a passing grade for a year-long course even if an “F” grade is given for a semester.  Example:  English 1 semester 1 grade earned is a 50% “F” and semester 2 earned is a 100% “A”; student would earn a 75% “C” for the year based on the percentage of semester 1 and semester 2 averaging together.

If a student wants to recover or grade replace a semester or yearlong “F” or “D” students may retake the course and replace the grade if they earn a “C” or higher.  Students have the following options available to recover credit:

Extended School Year is usually offered at LOLHS during the summer months for a total of 10 school days. There is a morning session and an afternoon session.  Each session allows for ½ credit earned in a particular course with the opportunity to earn 1 full credit if students attend the full day (both morning and afternoon sessions).  Usually course offerings are core courses such as English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. * See your School Counselor for more information during the month of May.

Online Courses:   Online courses can provide opportunities for students to make up credit anytime from anywhere; however studies show that often students are unprepared for the challenges inherent with this style of delivery.

In order to help students know if they will be successful learning in an online environment, please keep the following in mind:

  • Semester long courses take roughly 18 weeks and year long courses 32 weeks to complete
  • Students must have computer, internet, email access
  • Students will need to devote 3 – 5 hours per week to keep up with the set pace
  • If students do not keep up with the set pace they will be dropped with an “F” if they do not drop the course within the drop/ add period
  • Be able to prioritize tasks, organize assignments and complete assigned work within a deadline
  • Be able to work independently
  • Students must have a working knowledge of how to copy, cut, and paste text/ files between programs and apply new software applications

If after reading the above success factors you would like to make up credits online through FLVS, see your counselor for the proper paperwork for beginning the online course registration.




The purpose of the Cohort Credit Recovery Program is to provide an alternative instructional model for students who have not been successful in earning credits at the high school level. The Credit Recovery Program provides an independent, self-directed learning environment using a computer-based curriculum that provides students with the opportunity to earn high school credits and graduate with their cohort group.

Targeted Population:

Cohort Credit Recovery is designed for students in grades 9-12 who are “off track” due to high school credit deficiencies.


Student must have failed the courses in which he or she is seeking a credit replacement.

School officials may conduct conferences with eligible students and their parents/guardians.

Students and parents must sign Cohort Credit Recovery Parent and Student Information Form.

Instruction Time:

Sessions will be held in designated eLabs during regular school hours; however, special arrangements can be made to access the eLab before or after school with the approval of the school administrator.


Bus transportation will be provided by the District School Board of Pasco County during regular school hours for students who would normally qualify for transportation service.

Parents/guardians are responsible for providing student’s transportation if the student needs access to the eLab before or after regular school hours.  Students with a valid driver’s license may drive to school, following rules outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.

Course Parameters

  • Accelerated Pace: the student must perform at a minimum 80% mastery on Traditional Pace: the student must complete all assignments and perform at a minimum 70% mastery in order to move to the next lesson. The student will have 2 attempts on the quiz to demonstrate mastery. After two unsuccessful attempts the teacher will intervene and provide additional support prior to further attempts. If the student continues to not demonstrate mastery the student may be moved to the next lesson at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Diagnostic Test: APEX does not factor the results of the diagnostic test into the student’s grade. This test can be utilized at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Unit Tests/Exams: 70% mastery does not apply to the unit test or final exam. Teachers will continuously monitor the student’s final grade. Students earning a final grade of D must be presented to the assistant principal in charge of the Graduation Enhancement Program to determine the appropriateness of issuing credit.
  • Assessment Resources: Students may access notes during quizzes, unit tests and final exams. Students cannot use notes or any other aids for diagnostic tests.
  • Course Completion: Final grade document must be signed by the assistant principal in charge of the Graduation Enhancement Program prior to the issuing of credit. A copy of this document, along with evidence of course work, must be filed in the student’s cumulative folder.
  • Students taking English IV must have proof from their regular 12th grade English teachers that they have successfully completed the mandatory research paper.  If evidence is not provided, the student will be required to write such a paper during the Credit Recovery session. Standard MLA / APA research paper format will be mandated. Students will be required to work on the paper on their own time outside of class, but may access school resources via the media center and online subscriptions for research.
  • A credit recovery grade of C or higher will replace the original failing grade (F) for purposes of grade point average calculation.  While the original failing grade will appear on the student’s high school transcript, the credit recovery grade will be used to determine whether the student has met the requirements for high school graduation.
  • A student may be enrolled in more than one credit recovery course at the same time with guidance counselor and school administrator approval.
  • Advanced Placement and Honors courses are available for credit recovery.

Student Requirements

  • Students are expected to follow the District School Board of Pasco County Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook as well as rules specific to the school eLab.
  • Students are expected to complete an average of 0.5 credits every 9 weeks.
  • Students will use the technology equipment and software in an appropriate manner.
  • Students will not bring food or drinks into the eLab.
  • Printing of lessons will not be allowed without the approval of the resource teacher.
  • Students may ask for help from the resource teacher; however, they are expected to work independently and demonstrate attempts to complete work prior to accessing help from lab teachers.
  • No tutoring or assistance will be given during the pre-test or post-tests for mastery.
  • Students must have a notebook to handwrite notes or to work out solutions to problems.
  • Note-taking is a required component of credit recovery.  Students must show evidence of notes taken, whether accessing the modules at school or from home. Facilitating teachers will monitor the note-taking process.
  • Students will print out progress reports on a regular basis to monitor their own progress toward reaching the required mastery of 70% on the lessons.
  • Students will enter and exit courses following program guidelines.