
Picture day is Monday, September 21, 2020. You can use this preorder link (which will be open for 48 hours after picture day) https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000804517 directly to the student’s home.

Picture day is Monday, September 21. You can pre-order your packages online. On campus students will have photos taken through English classes.

MSOL students will need to sign-up for an after-school time from 2:30-4 using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmMZr8JGd98KTdN64eakZ8eLn5QfU0HRw_J-ME1oSm6Cn7-Q/viewform

If you cannot make that date, there will be a picture make-up date on October 23. Seniors may attend to take a new photo ID badge picture. However, they must still take their SENIOR PHOTOS at Gigante Productions Studio to be included in the yearbook.”