
Land O’ Lakes High School MySchool Online Information

This model is designed for families who would like to maintain their connection to their enrolled school, but do not yet feel comfortable sending their student(s) back to school in August. Students will attend school remotely, following the standard school schedule and bell times.


How Will Students Access Their Classes?

All MySchool Online classes will be via MyLearning. Students should access their MyPasco Connect and look for the “MyLearning” Icon. Click on the icon and it will take you to your Canvas dashboard where your courses will be displayed.

When will MySchool Online Students Access Their Classes?

School starts on August 24. MySchool Online students are required to log on to each of their classes and participate in them fully during the period they are scheduled, every day unless the teacher provides alternative instructions. MySchool Online students must follow our bell schedule. Teachers will monitor attendance. Students will be marked absent if they do not participate in their classes and follow the instructions of their teacher(s). Please pay attention to the requirements of each class as some teachers might have you logging on to a Zoom, or some may have you completing a “Do Now” to start your class.  A lunch break is scheduled during 4th period.  Your teacher will let you know when to attend class.

Period Time
1 7:30-8:28
2 8:34-9:29
3 9:35-10:30
4 10:36-12:11
5 12:17-1:12
6 1:18-2:13