
May 17, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians and Graduates,

It is almost that time! Land O’ Lakes High School graduation ceremony will be at the school on Friday, June 4, 2021 at 7:00PM. Graduation will take place on the Vicky A. King Field at John Benedetto Stadium.

General Announcements
• In light of changing public health guidance from the CDC and State of Florida, Pasco County Schools has adopted these guidelines for The Class of 2021 Commencement ceremonies occurring after May 28th.
• The dates for the individual school Commencement ceremonies remain the same.
• Each ceremony will have fewer guests than a customary, full Commencement.

LOLHS Graduation Ceremony Information

• Pasco Schools has established that each graduate is able to invite up to four guests to the graduation ceremony. 2 guests will sit on the field with the graduate. The 2 additional guests will sit in the home or visitor stands. Graduates will be given 4 wristbands to pass out to their invited guests. They may not give unused band to others. To enter the event all guests must be wearing a provided wristband. Lost wristbands will not be replaced.
• Parking for graduation is available in the south lot, the north lot, the pond lot, and the front circle. Parking is free and available on a first come first serve basis. Guests with disabled person parking permits will be allowed to park closer to the stadium. With permit, these vehicles should enter the south lot and proceed toward the stadium on Keppel Way.
• Graduates with their guests should be ready to enter the designated gate at 6PM. Decals will be placed at the entry point to facilitate social distancing. Everyone will be required to pass through a security screening and check-in process. Security personnel will do a visual search of all the graduates and guests entering the stadium. Security personnel has the right to inspect any item at any time for the purpose of safety.
• Once inside, graduates will walk their guests to the stadium, obtain seating on the field for themselves and 2 guests, send the remaining guests to the stands, and be at the fieldhouse by 6:30PM to line up.
• At the end of the commencement ceremony, please leave the stadium and collect the graduate’s diploma packet at the designated area.

Graduation Ceremony Participation

Participation in the ceremony is limited to the students from the Class of 2021 that have met graduation requirements prior to June 4, 2021. Graduates must be in good standing with the school to participate. All debt must be paid prior to June 4, 2021, including having paid the walking fee.

Covid 19 Expectations

We are committed to a culture of personal accountability as part of our community-wide effort to combat COVID-19. If you are experiencing symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, we ask that you do not attend the Commencement ceremony.
Face coverings are strongly encouraged for all graduates and guests, particularly when entering, exiting, and moving throughout the stadium. Guests should maintain appropriate social distance between parties in the stands and when moving through the stadium concourse. Please be respectful of those around you.
For those who cannot attend in person, a livestream of the ceremony will be made available. Anyone deemed at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 by public health officials is strongly encouraged to view the livestream rather than attend the ceremony in person.

Dress Expectations
Dress Code for Graduates: Dress pants and dress shirt, a dress or skirt and blouse or pantsuit are recommended outfits because Commencement is a formal ceremony. Wear matching/dark socks with dress shoes. No sneakers, flip flops, or slippers are allowed. We recommend that students refrain from wearing high heels, as there will be a lot of walking on uneven surfaces and grass. No visible “bulky” jewelry, scarves, ribbons, or party favors are permitted.
Personal Items: Leave personal items at home; they may not be taken to the stage during the processional. Flowers or corsages are NOT permitted on the stage.

Graduation Gowns: We will not have extra gowns on hand. Make sure that you bring yours to the ceremony. Gowns are to look like they did when received from the company and should have nothing extra added to them. Make sure to take them out of the bag prior to the event and iron it to remove wrinkles.

Graduation Cap: The mortarboard (graduation cap) is to be worn flat with the tassel over the right eye. Once the seniors are declared graduates, the tassel is moved to the left side in unison with the class. Mortarboards may be decorated. Nothing derogatory or inappropriate may be added. Guidance was already given to students. We may not have extra caps or tassels on hand. Be sure that you bring yours to the ceremony.

Failure to comply with the dress policy may result in the student not being permitted to participate in the ceremony.

Disability Access
Disability parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you or one of your guests need wheelchair seating accommodations, be aware that schools do not provide wheelchairs on site. Sign language interpreters will be at the ceremony.

Food and Drinks

Each guest is permitted to bring in one, unopened bottle of water. Concessions will be available for bottled drinks. Sales will only be cash transactions. Guests waiting in line will be asked to maintain at least six feet distance from other customers. We strongly encourage face coverings to be worn at the concession area.

Viewing Options
We encourage those that are unable/unwilling to attend the in-person ceremony to view the ceremony online. The ceremony will be broadcast live. See our school’s webpage for more information.


Graduation is a momentous occasion both for the seniors and their guests. For that reason, the ceremony is to be held with dignity and courtesy to others. We ask that guests in the stadium remain seated throughout the ceremony to ensure all guests can see the graduates. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for the occasion and must comply with the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct.

Permitted/Prohibited Items
Prohibited items must be returned to cars or disposed of before entering and will not be accepted by employees nor stored at the gates. The CLEAR BAG POLICY is in effect for the Commencement ceremony.
Permitted Items
• Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and do not exceed 12″x6″x12″
• One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags
• Small clutch bags, with or without a handle or strap, that do not exceed 4.5″ x 6.5″
• Bags that contain necessary medical items
• Water, in sealed plastic bottles; must fit inside the permitted-sized bag
• Umbrellas
• Cameras and video recorders (Clear Bag Policy applies to camera bags)
• Strollers (except for in the seating areas)
• Diaper bags are permissible
Prohibited Items For the safety, security, and experience of all guests, the following items are prohibited:
• Backpacks and bags that do not follow clear bag specifications
• Wrapped gifts or packages wherein the contents are not visible
• Alcohol
• Firearms or weapons
• Glass and aluminum containers
• Pasco County School campuses are tobacco-free campuses and there will be no smoking, or vaping
• Large items, such as banners and posters, or amplification equipment, such as bullhorns or megaphones


Gigante Photography will photograph each senior on the stage. The graduate’s guests from the field may stand in front of the stage to also take a picture. In the interest of time, we ask that only one device is used by the guest. The graduate and their guests will have an additional opportunity to take pictures together at the end of the ceremony. Gigante Photography will be available to capture the moment of the graduate and group. Please do not ask the Gigante photographer to use your device at their site. Purchase of these photographs is optional. All questions regarding these pictures should go to Gigante Photography. Land O’ Lakes High School does not receive any of these pictures or information following graduation.

Inclement Weather

The Commencement ceremony will only be rescheduled in the event of severe weather. Severe weather is defined as rain accompanied by high wind, thunder, and lightning. If necessary, the alternate ceremony time will be announced on the school’s website. If it is raining on the morning of Commencement, but not declared severe weather, the ceremony will be held as planned in the stadium. If weather is a concern for you or a member of your party, you may wish to consider a different viewing option.

Restrooms are available beneath the home stands. Decals will be placed on the ground to promote social distancing.

Stadium restrooms and common areas will be cleaned before the ceremony. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the stadium.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in making our graduation ceremony a memorable event for our graduates and their guests. If you have any questions regarding graduation, or if you need to request any additional special arrangements, please contact Mrs. Wall at (813)794-9400 or e-mail hwall@pasco.k12.fl.us prior to June 3.