
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Dual Enrollment

Important Dates and Deadlines


Summer 2024 

Fall 2024 

Dynamic Form Due 

April 10 

May 29

Registration Dates 

April 24-26 

Aug 5 – 8

Start Date 

May 6  Aug 19 
End Date  July 11 

Dec 6 

Drop Deadline 

May 9  Aug 23 
Withdrawal Deadline  June 17 

Oct 31 

Textbook Drop-Off & Pick-Up Information  Info re: textbooks can be found at the following link under the “Textbooks” tab: 


Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for Dual Enrollment classes, students must meet the following requirements: 

  •  Must have (and maintain) a minimum high school unweighted 3.0000 GPA. 
  • Must have the following PERT, SAT, ACT, or CLT test scores:
    • PERT: Reading-106, Writing-103, Math-114* (123 for College Algebra and beyond) 
    • SAT: Reading-24, Writing-25, Math-24* (26 for College Algebra and beyond) 
    • ACT: Reading-19, English 17, Math-19* (21 for College Algebra and beyond) 
    • CLT: Sum of Verbal Reasoning/Grammar Sections-38, Math-16* 
    • If students meet the reading/writing scores but not the math, they can still take DE courses. Students are restricted to 12 total DE credit hours without having the minimum math score. 

 Note: Once students start taking DE courses, they cannot let their PHSC GPA go below a 2.0000. If a student’s high school unweighted GPA goes below a 3.0000, or their PHSC GPA goes below a 2.0000, they are no longer eligible to take DE courses. 

DE Step-by-Step Guide 

 DE Step-by-Step Guide.pptx 


Frequently Asked Questions 

 What is the difference between Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment (DE)?

  • AP courses are high school courses that teach college-level content. Students can earn college credit if they pass the AP exam at the end of the course. The grades earned in AP courses go on the high school transcript, but do not go on a student’s college transcript.
  • DE courses allow high school students to enroll simultaneously in a local college (PHSC) and begin undergraduate classes for credit. Unlike AP classes, which award college credit based on the AP exam, DE courses award college credit (in addition to high school credit) as long as the student passes the class. Grades from DE courses go on both the student’s high school transcript and college transcript. (The grades that students earn in DE courses follow them to college and impact their college GPA.) 

 Am I able to drop a DE course? 

  • Students can drop a DE course without penalty during the first week of classes. After the drop window, students can withdraw from the course up until the deadline date listed for the term. (The deadline to withdraw from a course is posted on PHSC’s academic calendar each term.)  

 What happens if I miss the window to drop or withdraw from a course? 

  • Students have up to one year after a course takes place to apply for a late drop/withdrawal.
  • Late Drop: Shows on a student transcript as a “LD”, indicating that the student was dropped due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., medical, death in family, etc.) that prevented the student from completing the course.
  • Late Withdrawal: Occurs when a student missed the window to withdraw from the course, but is not passing the course and now wants to withdraw. To be considered for a late withdrawal, students must submit a personal statement and supporting documents to PHSC. 

 What happens if I fail my DE course? 

  • Students are permitted one attempt per DE course; thus, grade forgiveness is not available for DE courses. (A withdrawal counts as an attempt at a course.) Students must maintain an unweighted High School GPA of 3.0000 and PHSC GPA of 2.0000 in order to continue taking DE courses. GRADES FOR DE COURSES GO ON YOUR COLLEGE TRANSCRIPT. 

 Can my parents check my grades? 

  • Dual Enrollment grades are reported in the PHSC platform WISE. Due to FERPA guidelines, parents of college students, including dual enrollment, do not have access to this platform unless the student shares this information. Grades for dual enrollment courses taken on the high school campus are also kept in the WISE platform and not in myStudent. Once the grade is finalized by the professor at the end of the semester, the grade will be posted in the myStudent portal. 

 Do I get my 504 or IEP accommodations in my Dual Enrollment courses? 

  • For DE courses taken through PHSC, students with 504 and IEP accommodations can get their accommodations if they are approved by PHSC’s Student Accessibility Services department. It is the student’s responsibility to submit their 504 or IEP accommodations to PHSC for approval. Students do not need to request 504/IEP accommodation approval for DE courses taken on the high school campus or through Pasco eSchool. Accommodations are automatically provided in these courses.
  • For more information about how to request accessibility accommodations through PHSC: https://accessibility-services.phsc.edu/start 

 What should I do if I have technical difficulties with my PHSC account, application, or dynamic form? 

  • For assistance with technical difficulties, call the PHSC Help desk at 727-816-3311 or send an email (helpdesk@phsc.edu). Since the account, application, and dynamic form are through PHSC, high school counselors do not have access to address technical difficulties. 

 Do I have to pay for anything? 

  • No. Dual Enrollment is free for high school students, including textbooks. If you are taking a class off campus at PHSC or online via PHSC, go to the Pasco County School DE website and click on the “Textbooks” tab for information about how to pick-up/drop-off your textbooks: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment 


Helpful Links