
Attention to the students and families of the class of 2024!

The 10th Grade Student Services Team will be hosting our annual Course Selection Parent Night virtually on Wednesday, February 16th. This is a chance for us to discuss our course offerings for the 2022-2023 school year and answer any questions you all may have before students begin the course selection process. 

The presentation will run from 5:30 to 6:30, and we will be sending out a Zoom link on the day of the presentation to all parents who sign up to attend. To sign up for the presentation, complete and submit this form–>https://lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=163979. You will receive an email with a Zoom link and a copy of the 11th grade course card for you to view on the day of the presentation. 

This presentation is for rising 11th graders who are on the traditional diploma path. No IB information will be shared at this event. 

If you are unable to make the presentation, the Zoom will be recorded and the Powerpoint will be uploaded to the school website in the days following the event. 

We look forward to seeing you all on the 16th! Go Gators!