
Change Address / Update Contact Information


Please click here to complete and sign the electronic Change of Address, Phone, and Email request form.

Required Documentation:

Evidence of Residence:

____ Owned residence – deed or property tax assessment records, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, Florida driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) owns and lives at the residence.

____ Leased Residence – Current lease or rental agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) lives at the residence.

Please note that if there is an address change and, based on the new address, the student is no longer zoned for Land O’ Lakes, then the student will need to enroll at their new zoned school. Please contact the Registrar at ph# 813-794-9411, to discuss special circumstances that may allow your student to remain enrolled at LOLHS, regardless of an address change.