
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is designated nationally as Teacher Appreciation Week. We typically have activities and gifts to provide, but because of distance learning we are unable to proceed with our usual plans to celebrate their dedication to LOLHS. Above is a flyer that lists some...
Advanced Placement Update (4/30/2020)

Advanced Placement Update (4/30/2020)

As we approach the last week before AP exams that begin on May 11th, please read the latest communication from College Board.  Students should have received an email from College Board this week with both a checklist and exam guide.  Their teachers will be posting...
Closeout School Year Information (4/30/2020)

Closeout School Year Information (4/30/2020)

As you know, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, procedures change frequently regarding how we can gather in public spaces and visit places like our school.  We are hesitant to provide exact details at this time regarding end-of-year procedures because things will...

AP Review and Test Schedule

Advanced Placement students: You can prepare for exams by joining free AP online classes and review sessions on YouTube: youtube.com/advancedplacement. Check out the AP Exam schedule to see when you’ll take your...

School Events Update 4/22/2020

It’s with a very heavy heart that we are announcing that all end-of-year school activities have been cancelled including all in-person banquets, awards ceremonies, and the prom.  Social distancing guidelines will more than likely still be in place through the...

Graduation Update 4/22/2020

It was announced on the Pasco Schools Twitter account that Superintendent Browning has delayed graduation dates to August so that seniors have an opportunity to participate in a traditional ceremony. A virtual celebration is being planned to honor graduates on the...