
In-Person Graduation Change for C/O 2020

To the LOLHS Class of 2020 Graduates: We have been informed that the Yuengling Center at USF is not able to hold our in-person graduation ceremony in August as planned.  We immediately created an alternative plan because we recognize the importance of celebrating our...
Athletic Registration Dates at LOLHS

Athletic Registration Dates at LOLHS

Interested in Athletics at LOLHS for the 2020-21 school year? We will have an Athletic Registration Dates at LOLHS on Tuesday, July 21 from 10 AM – 4 PM and Thursday, July 23 2 PM – 6 PM. There will be a notary on site to notarize forms. (If notary is...
Pasco Schools Plan for Returning to School in the Fall

Pasco Schools Plan for Returning to School in the Fall

The Pasco Schools Reopening Plan includes three options for students. Please visit the website, listed below, that was created by the district that outlines each of the choices.  The site also has a frequently-asked-questions area, and a way to interact with our...
Diploma Distribution Update (6/6/2020)

Diploma Distribution Update (6/6/2020)

We hope that everyone enjoyed the Class of 2020 Parade and the Virtual Graduation Ceremony! The next major events will be the distribution of the diplomas followed by the in-person graduation ceremony in August.  Please remain connected to the school during the summer...
Virtual Graduation, Scholarship Links, Senior Tribute Video

Virtual Graduation, Scholarship Links, Senior Tribute Video

2020 Graduates and Families, Please click on one of the links below at 3 pm on Friday, June 5th to join in Land O’ Lakes High School’s Virtual Graduation Ceremony for 2020.  We are excited to celebrate this year’s class! Please share your graduation celebrations with...