Information related to the district’s reactions to the pandemic remains fluid. Parents and guardians should be constantly looking at the district’s Family Information Guide for ReOpening that provides general information related to these areas:...
Attn Parents and Students of the MySchoolOnline program. Device deployment is scheduled for Friday, August 21st from 12noon-1:30PM in the gymnasium. Please follow signs for additional directions. All visitors must be wearing a mask. You must be a LOLHS student who...
Upon your arrival to campus, no more than 30 minutes prior to the school day, students will go straight to class or to the cafeteria to receive breakfast. Students will immediately take their breakfast to their 1st period class to eat. There will be no gathering...
When to Wear/Remove a Face Covering Remember, COVID-19 is primarily transmitted through speaking, coughing, or sneezing. The face covering must cover your nose and mouth completely. Place the bottom over your chin and the top over your entire nose. Make sure that...
Today students are able to pick their courses for Dual Enrollment. Once you pick your classes, please be sure to request your textbooks. Please sure to complete this form by August 16.