Visitor Procedures

Visitor Procedures

This announcement reiterates an important changes communicated in the Pasco Schools reOpening Plan.  As we get closer to the start of the school year, families may need to contact a member of the school’s staff for assistance.  Because of the pandemic our...
Dual Enrollment Students

Dual Enrollment Students

Please visit our district’s website for more information regarding dual enrollment for this fall: https://pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment… There are links to the registration process, textbooks, grading, planning resources, and eligibility...
Visitor Procedures

Supplemental Insurance for Students

At the start of each school year we send home a supplemental insurance application to parents.  If you have selected the mySchool Online option, we have included the application here for you to download.  You can also apply online at www.schoolinsuranceonline.com....
Student Schedules – Beginning of Year

Student Schedules – Beginning of Year

Our staff is working very hard to ensure that our students receive a quality education under the current circumstances that we are all facing.  Student schedules for our school have opened for view in the myStudent parent/student portal.  Parents must complete the...