Summer Algebra 1 Retake Administration

Summer Algebra 1 Retake Administration

We will offer FSA EOC Algebra 1 Retakes the week of Monday, July 13- Thursday, July 16 for students who need to meet this requirement for graduation. We are sending out letters inviting those students who need to take this assessment. The FSA EOC Algebra 1 assessment...

Interested in LOLHS Athletics for 2020-21 School Year

Are you interested in Athletics for 2020-21 school year? Please complete the required paperwork and complete this form to be contacted by the coach with details about their sport. Click here to get started All athletes must have a completed 2020-21 Athletic...

Attn Seniors: Return books, clean out lockers and pick up yearbooks

The time has come for the Class of 2020 to return all signed out equipment/books and to remove anything you may have left on campus in your lockers. Students will report to school at the time you select on either Tuesday, May 26th or Wednesday, May 27th. Please review...
Yearbook still on sale

Yearbook still on sale

A message to LOLHS Seniors (or any other grade level!) You can still order a yearbook to give your senior at least ONE last tradition. The Alligate yearbook staff worked hard the last couple of weeks to finish up our book. It is scheduled to be delivered some time...