Student emails for testing date, times and locations

Student emails for testing date, times and locations

Do you have students asking you about testing??? All students have received emails with their date, time and location for testing. This is their SCHOOL email address XXXXXX@student.pasco.k12.fl.us. They check their email by Logging into MyPascoConnect, clicking on...
PSAT for 9th or 11th graders

PSAT for 9th or 11th graders

The state is paying for all 10th graders to take the PSAT on October 14. If you student is in 9th or 11th grade, you can pay to have your student take the PSAT. Please return this slip with cash or check payable to LOLHS (Land O’ Lakes High School ) by Friday,...
ACT for Seniors Class of 2021

ACT for Seniors Class of 2021

Attention Seniors, Class of 2021 we will offer the ACT Free of charge at LOLHS on Tuesday, October 6 to all Seniors (Class of 2021).   If you are NOT interested in participating in this assessment on campus, please contact hwall@pasco.k12.fl.us
ACT for Seniors Class of 2021

Attention Seniors

This year, the DSBPC is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity we are providing to all seniors.  All seniors will have the opportunity to take the ACT on Tuesday, October 6 during the regular school day.  This test is being offered at no cost to students. This...