Students who need to take FSA Algebra 1 EOC, FSA Geometry EOC, NGSSS Biology 1 EOC, and/or NGSSS US History EOC, we will offer this testing July 12-15, more details to come. These assessments are graduation requirements. Taking these assessments in the summer allow...
The State of Florida has allowed us to extended State testing until June 4, 2021 before the Spring window closes. The following assessments are available: FSA ELA Gr 9 Writing (Tuesday, June 1) FSA ELA Gr 9 Reading Session 1 and/or 2 (Wednesday, June 2) FSA ELA Gr 10...
Next week is a busy week for testing. We are offering Algebra 1 EOC and Geometry EOC session 1 on Monday, May 3 and session 2 on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. Students must take session 1 before they can take session 2. We will also offer Grade 9 and Grade 10 ELA Reading...
Are you interested in taking Dual Enrollment classes? Are you currently in 10th or 11th grade? Do you currently have an UNWEIGHTED GPA of at least a 3.0? Sign up to take the PERT here at LOLHS on Monday, March 8 and Wednesday, March 10 after school. Talk to your...
Class of 2021 Parents! There will be an informational zoom meeting on Monday, February 22 at 6pm with John Mclay from Herff Jones. He will do a short presentation and then will be able to answer any questions you may have. The deadline to order cap and gowns and to...