We are seeking members for the School Advisory Council (SAC), including parents, students and community members. Students, this is a great opportunity to be involved in the direction of your school. The School Advisory Council is a means for community/parent...
New students to the school are invited to visit on Thursday, August 5. Please see the information in the picture below. Returning students are asked to orient online this year. You can access your schedule on myStudent and pay fees starting at 7am on Thursday, August...
We are excited to introduce some very talented teachers that are joining our school’s faculty for the upcoming school year. Glad to be back and better than ever!
Are you new to LOLHS and interested in sports? Complete this form and you will receive communication from the coach of the sport: https://lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=149227 All athletes must have a completed athletic paperwork on file including a physical...
Summer Dual Enrollment textbook returns and Fall Dual Enrollment textbook pick-up dates have been set. Please visit the website and see this textbook information. Also, use THIS FORM to pre-order books for the fall.