
The time has come to return all signed out equipment/books and to remove anything you may have left on campus in your lockers, pick up yearbooks. You will report to school at the time you select on either Thursday, May 28th or Friday, May 29th. Please review the available time slots below and click on the button to sign up for the area that your locker is located.

All students must wear a face covering (from Home) in order to be allowed on campus. We will not have masks available for student use. You must maintain a 6 ft distance between staff and students at all times.

You will report to the exterior of the building where your locker is located at the time you have selected and enter the building only via that door. The PE locker room will be open from 11-1. If you need to access them select a matching time slot. If you do not have a locker, please select an area to drop off your materials. Signs will be posted to assist you in finding the location you chose. You will have ten minutes to drop off and to pick up your materials. Please remain in your vehicle until your selected time is called.

Yearbook pick up will be at the main door of the school. Checked out computers can be dropped off in the science wing and at the main door of the school. Students will not have access to the building except for the area that is signed up for.

We look forward to seeing each of you at school!
