
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

Policies & Regulations

Policies & Regulations

Patron Code of Conduct

Playing Multiple Sports

  • We encourage our athletes to play on multiple teams over the course of a school year, in different seasons.  While it is possible to play on some teams simultaneously, this is extremely rare and requires permission from both coaches and the Athletic Director.  A MultipleSports form must be completed by the athlete and both coaches.
  • Participation on recreation or club teams while simultaneously participating for LOLHS is not something the school regulates.  It is highly discouraged, and some coaches may not permit their players to miss school events (practices, games, meetings) for club/travel/recreational events.
  • Athletes may not begin participation with a new season’s sport until the completion of their original sport’s season.  (Most coaches will make an exception for the try-out date of the next sport so that the next season’s coaches can form their teams).
  • Any athlete who quits or is removed from a team may not start another sport until the former team has completed its season.


  • Students assigned out-of-school suspension (OSS) or in-school suspension (ISS)may not practice or participate in an athletic contest on the day(s) of the suspension.
  • Coaches are entitled to set additional penalties for athletes receiving suspension which may include removal from the team.  These policies should be made known to players and parents following try-outs during the parent meeting.


  • Students can never adequately make up for missed classroom instruction.  It is imperative that students be in class whenever they are physically able to do so.
  • A student who is not present in school for at least half of the day is not permitted to practice or participate in an athletic contest that day (or Saturday if the absence is on Friday).  Half the day is three hours and fifteen minutes, so students need to be signed in prior to 10:45, or sign out after 10:45.
  • Coaches may dictate additional absence policies in their team rules as they deem necessary and will present these policies at the parent meeting.


  • Practices are scheduled by the coaches.  It is expected that team members attend all scheduled practices and arrive on time.
  • If unable to attend a practice, or a student anticipates being late, he/she is responsible for notifying the coach according to the team’s policies on absences.
  • Consequences for missed practices are determined by the coach and will be presented at the parent meeting prior to the season’s start.


  • We encourage all  athletes, coaches, and supporters to exhibit the utmost sportsmanship and respect for our opponents, their fans, and the officials working the contests.
  • FHSAA policy states that any athlete ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct must sit out at least the next athletic contest for that team.
  • Depending on the severity of the misconduct, a suspension could last for up to six weeks.
  • The FHSAA levies fines against schools involved in unsportsmanlike conduct.  These fines are to be paid by the athlete for whom they were incurred before that athlete will be permitted to participate for any LOLHS team.