
This year all athletic paperwork will be filled via the new digital clearance program for athletics for the 2022-23 school year.

Need help with paperwork, staff will be at LOLHS on Tuesday, July 26 from 11 AM- 6 PM to provide assistance, notary and more!

To get started go to https://athleticclearance.com/ Choose Florida to get started.

PCS Athletic Clearance Instructions and FAQ

You will upload hardcopies of documents under files.
EL2 Participation Physical Form: https://fhsaa.com/documents/2020/3/26/el02_physical_2.pdf
EL7 Home Education Students: https://fhsaa.com/sports/2020/1/30/parents_home_ed.aspx
EL12 Non-Member School Participation: https://fhsaa.com/sports/2020/3/26/ENC_NonMemberSchools.aspx

Click here for FAQs: https://homecampus.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/4407700524823-FAQs-Florida-Athletic-Clearances