
Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/parents.

This announcement reiterates an important changes communicated in the Pasco Schools reOpening Plan.  As we get closer to the start of the school year, families may need to contact a member of the school’s staff for assistance.  Because of the pandemic our processes for meetings have changed.

  • We are not accepting unannounced walk-in visitors to the school.  This includes families that have questions regarding a student’s schedule.  All visitors need to set appointments in advance via telephone or email.  Use the chart below to identify the best point of contact to call.  Most appointments will be facilitated over the phone or virtually.
  • Meetings involving visitors (PTA, SAC, IEP, LEP, 504, parent conferences) will follow the current guidelines from the Governor’s office or be held virtually.
Person/Responsibility Extention 
Main Line – Front Counter

Fax Number



Sharon Risner – Principal’s Secretary 794-9402
Anita Snider – Bookkeeper 794-9404
Jennifer Sybert – Data Entry 794-9406
Nicole Allen– Registrar 794-9411
Alissa Canter – School Counselors and Student Services Secretary 794-9407
Receptionist/ Student Discipline Assistant’s Secretary/ Attendance Notes Grade 11 and 12 794-9400
Elizabeth Perez – Receptionist/ Attendance Notes Grade 9 and 10 794-9413
Rhonda McNeilly – ESE 794-9434
JoAnn Zio- Assistant Principal’s Secretary/Testing Coordinator Assistant 794-9519
Maricela Gonzalez – Clinic Assistant 794-9538
Cpl. Charles Wynn – School Resource Officer
Cafeteria Manager – Joshua Zappe 794-9478
Jennifer Gaete – Testing Coordinator

Anyone that is authorized to enter the build must pass the visitor screener that appears at the top of the school’s website.  Thank you for abiding to these procedures that were put into place to protect the interests of our school community stakeholders.