Students should have received their AP ID for their exam today. In addition, students are able to access and test their device with the AP testing demo. It is important that students take the time to walk through the testing demo to test their software and understand the exam process. If your student has a technological problem, reach out to Mrs. Doohen if you need to arrange to borrow a device. Tuesdays are the ONLY days we can distribute devices, so it is imperative that you access the testing demo as soon as possible. Please also take the time to have your student read through the testing guide they should have received from College Board last week and have them print their exam day checklist and any resources they can have next to them on exam day.
Resources to support you and your AP student:
- 2020 AP Testing Guide | 2020 AP Exam Day Checklist (fillable checklist
- exam day experience including a testing demo to confirm technical readiness and simulate taking the exam, the AP 2020 Exam Walkthrough video, and submission guidelines
- Review and understand the unique aspects of the 2020 AP World Languages and Culture and 2020 AP Art & Design exams
- Access and review student accommodations for the 2020 AP Exams
- Assistance for AP students in resolving College Board email and and account issues
- course specific references and guides and best practices for using resources and class notes during open book/open note exams and a video on The Rules